Hiatus Hernia Repair
I had been having issues with your oesophagus for 12 years off and on since lifting something too heavy during work. The symptoms that I experienced include a burning sensation in my chest up to my throat, difficulty swallowing, and occasional serious coughing. It has been an awful ongoing experience dealing with this. Usually brought on by fizzy drinks such as coca cola and beer, food like crisps and hot and spicey food. Despite reducing the intake massively over the past years it still causes a lot of issues. I was told that it was reflux of the acid from the stomach up into the oesophagus. I had been taking medication for the last 10 years and this does help me with the symptoms for temporary relief but it does not cure it. I have had a number of tests including an endoscopy and a spirometry test to help with the diagnosis. After seeing the GP I was referred to A/Prof Sandroussi.